Bisq API Rust Project Setup

Bisq has a new API in the v1.9.1 release . They have provided some really good documentation on how to work with it, including some sample code in Python and Java. However, for those of us who like good programming languages, we have to figure it out on our own. Here’s a basic setup to start working with it in Rust.

Completed code for this post can be found on my GitHub page .

New Project

Let’s create the new project and install some dependencies we will need. I will be using <code>cargo-edit</code> below. So make sure to install it if you run the below commands and they don’t work.

# `cargo install cargo-edit` if necessary
# create the new project
cargo new bisq-api
# move into the project directory
cd bisq-api
# add the deps we'll need
cargo add tokio --features rt-multi-thread
cargo add prost tonic
cargo add --build tonic-build

Here we are bringing in tokio for async support, tonic and prost for gRPC support with code generation (since the API is a gRPC API), and tonic-build to help automate some of the gRPC protobuf client creation.

Now we need to download the proto files used by Bisq to create its server. We can use these same files to generate a Rust client for us to use. Let’s plop them into a proto directory.

mkdir proto
    cd proto
    curl -LO
    curl -LO

This creates our proto directory and downloads those proto files into there. We will then use tonic-build as part of the build process to create the client for us auto-magically. Place the following in a file called in the root of the project.

fn main() {
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to compile protos {:?}", e));

For more information on this file, check out the cargo book .

Get Bisq Version

Now that’s all set up, let’s start working on our actual file. First, let’s setup our proto files using tonic.

mod bisq {

This can go at the very top of the file. It’s a macro that includes the necessary generated Rust code into the bisq module. This means our generated gRPC client code is available inside bisq::.

To start off simple, let’s query the current Bisq version through the API. Let’s setup our imports and our main function:

use bisq::get_version_client::GetVersionClient;
use bisq::GetVersionRequest;
use std::time::Duration;
use tonic::Request;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

This is the basic setup for a simple API call. We bring in the GetVersionClient struct, as well as the structs we will need for creating the request we will send.

I’ll talk through how to setup the API locally a bit later, but for now just assume there will be an API running on port http://localhost:9998. We will also accept a password through an environment variable called BISQ_PASSWORD that will eventually be passed in the request we make to the API as authentication. Add the following to the top of the main function.

let password = std::env::var("BISQ_PASSWORD")?;

let mut client = GetVersionClient::connect("http://localhost:9998").await?;

Here we are getting the API password from the environment and then setting up a client using the connect function. Notice we are using .await at the end of creating the client. This is because the client tonic generates use async Rust.

Next let’s create our request struct.

let mut req = Request::new(GetVersionRequest {});

We wrap the GetVersionRequest, which takes no attributes, in a tonic::Request and then set the timeout on the request to five seconds.

Now add authentication to the request. Based on the Python and Java code examples in the documentation, we can see the authentcation is handled by adding a password field to the metadata of the request and setting that equal to the password we received from the environment.

let metadata = req.metadata_mut();
metadata.insert("password", password.parse()?);

Now we just need to send the request! Let’s do that and output the current version to our terminal.

let response = client.get_version(req).await?.into_inner();
println!("bisq version: {}", response.version);


Run the API

The Bisq API is actually a separate process from the Bisq desktop client. From my understanding, you can either run the Bisq API process or the Bisq desktop client at one time, not both. So assuming the Bisq desktop is not running, let’s download and get the v1.9.1 Bisq API process running locally.

# move to Downloads to put everything in there
cd ~/Downloads
# import the gpg public key used to sign the API zip file
curl -L | gpg --import
# download the Bisq API daemon zip
curl -LO
# download the signature file
curl -LO
# verify the signature
gpg --verify
# unzip the daemon archive and move into the outputted directory
cd bisq-daemon-1.9.1
java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=thisisastrongpassword

Notice that when we run the API, we are passing a password using the apiPassword flag. You can make this whatever you want. We will need to pass this to our Rust program when we run it.

Bisq will output a bunch of stuff. Give it a little time to run. It does alot of stuff to get itself up and running, just like the desktop does.

Run the program

Well, let’s see how we did. Set the password we passed when we started the API as an environment variable called BISQ_PASSWORD and then run the program!

export BISQ_PASSWORD="thisisastrongpassword"
cargo run

On my computer, this is the output.

bisq-api on  master [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🦀 v1.60.0
₿ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 8.92s
     Running `target/debug/bisq-api`
bisq version: 1.9.1

Woooooo! It works. Super cool…okay let’s doing something a little more interesting.

Get all closed transactions

I think it would be more interesting to get all the closed trades. The process is pretty similar to getting the version. The one extra thing we need to do is unlock the wallet. It appears many of the things that interact with the wallet first require the wallet to be unlocked, which makes sense. One super cool thing is when we unlock it via the API, we can tell it how long we want it to be unlocked for, and Bisq will automatically lock the wallet for us. Thanks, Bisq!

First, add some imports to the top of our file.

use bisq::get_trades_request::Category;
use bisq::trades_client::TradesClient;
use bisq::wallets_client::WalletsClient;
use bisq::{GetTradesRequest, UnlockWalletRequest};

Next, add a line to pull in another environment variable representing the password to unlock the Bisq wallet.

let wallet_password = std::env::var("WALLET_PASSWORD")?;

To unlock the wallet, create a WalletsClient instance and call unlock_wallet on it.

let mut client = WalletsClient::connect("http://localhost:9998").await?;

let mut req = Request::new(UnlockWalletRequest {
    password: wallet_password,
    timeout: 10,

let metadata = req.metadata_mut();
metadata.insert("password", password.parse()?);


Now that our wallet is unlocked, we can make a TradesClient and request to get all of our trades.

let mut client = TradesClient::connect("http://localhost:9998").await?;

let mut req = Request::new(GetTradesRequest {
    category: Category::Closed.into(),

let metadata = req.metadata_mut();
metadata.insert("password", password.parse()?);

let response = client.get_trades(req).await?.into_inner();
println!("trades: {:?}", response.trades);

That’s it! Add an environment variable for our wallet password, and run the program again. You should see some ugly output. Peruse through it, and you’ll see all the info is there.

export WALLET_PASSWORD="mywalletpasswordissecure"
cargo run

Here’s some output:

bisq-api on  master [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🦀 v1.60.0
₿ cargo run
   Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 6.64s
     Running `target/debug/bisq-api`
bisq version: 1.9.1
trades: [TradeInfo { offer: ...

Wrap up

That’s really it. Not too much to it. I want to thank the Bisq team for all their hardwork. If you enjoy the project and want to give back, check out the contributor checklist and get involved. They’re a good group over there. If you’re interested in creating an integration with the API, check out the API documentation .